Ways to talk about TIME in English using the verb TAKE

using the verb take to talk about time in English


Do you know how to talk about time in English ? How can we use the verb “TAKE” to talk about time? Stay with POC English in the rest of this article!


Talking about time is inevitable. Throughout the day, people plan each hour of their lives. Set meeting with important people and participate in particular courses and classes that are held at a specific time. There are many different verbs and vocabulary related to time but in this lesson, we are going to focus on the verb “take”. Let’s learn to talk about how much time you need to do something in English, using the verb “take” in your sentence.


1.   Talking about time in English  using (person + take + time + infinitive)

Take a look at this example:

  • Last night the train was late, so I took three hours to get home.


talking about time in English in train

As you can see, “I” is the subject of this sentence or the person who is doing the mentioned action.

“took” is the verb and after that, we have the time and at the end of the sentence, we have the infinitive (to get home).

Another example related to talk about time in English :

  • He takes all day to get out of the bathroom.

how to use take to talk about time




using person + take + time + infinitive in English


Learn more: There are different ways to talk about the future in English. In order to learn about them click on the following link:
talking about the future


2.   Activity + take + person + time

The other way to talk about time in English using the verb take is by starting the sentence with the activity. In this case, the activity is the subject. Look at this example:

  • The journey took me three hours.

In this sentence, we started with the activity (the journey) plus the verb (take), plus person, plus time.

Let’s have a look at these examples:

  • Gardening takes a lot of time.

talking about time in activity



  • Reading this book took me two hours.

using take hours when talking about time



Using activity + take + person + time in English


Learn more: Do you know about the  ways to say I like in English? Follow the link below!!
Different ways to say I like in English


3.   Talk about time in English using (object + take + person + time + infinitive)

Number three is when the object of the activity is the subject of a sentence. Don’t panic, it’s a pretty easy way to talk about time in English. Look at this example:

  • The house will take me all week to clean.

taking time to clean


What am I doing? I’m cleaning

What am I cleaning? I’m cleaning the house.

So, “the house” is the object, and “I am” the subject. Use the object in the beginning and start with “the house” then use the verb “take” (the house will take) then use a person (the house will take me) then use time (the house will take me all week) and finally use the infinitive (the house will take me all week to clean).

Let’s have a look at some other examples related to talk about time in English :

  • The newspaper took him two hours to read.

talk about time in English while reading


  • The video took him two hours to edit.

How to use "take" to talk about editing videos




 Using object + take + person + time + infinitive in English



Learn more: In this article you are learning about talking about time. But how can we talk about something in English fluently? Listening to podcasts help you improve both listening and speaking skills. Follow the link below to learn more about it:
listen to English podcast


4.   It + take + person + time + infinitive

You can use ” It ” to talk about time in English as the subject. For example:

  • It took me three hours to get home last night.

It took me three hours to get home


In this case, you can start with “it” plus “take” plus “person” (It took me) plus “time” (it took me three hours) plus “infinitive” (It took me three hours to get home last night).

Let’s have a look at these examples:

  • It took me five hours to finish the book.

It took me five hours to finish the book


  • It took me three hours to water the plants.

Using the verb take in gardening



Using It + take + person + time + infinitive in English


Learn more: Have you ever been in a situation where you want to give some consultation to your friends and family and wondered how should I do that? Follow the link below to learn about the ways to ask for and give advices:
asking for and giving advice


5.   Talk about time in English using (It + take + person + time + before/until)

Number five is basically number four which means we can start this sentence with “it”. However, in this case, we use “before” or “until” in the middle of the sentence. You ask how? let’s have a look at this example:

  • It took us six weeks until we got the house clean.

How to use until to talk about time in English

We can also use “before”:

  • It took us six weeks before we got the house clean.

But what does it mean and how can we use it?

In number four after time, we use the infinitive right so we say “It took me six weeks to clean the house.” however here, instead of the infinitive, we use “before” or “until” which basically have the same meaning. So, the structure is pretty much the same.

Let’s have a look at some other examples:

  • It took him 20 minutes until he watered all the plants.

using before and until when talking about time

  • It took him three hours before he finished the book.


Using it + take + person + time + before/until in English


Let’s review all the structures we just learned to talk about time in English.




1 Person + take + time + infinitive
2 Activity + take + person + time
3 Object + take + person + time + infinitive
4 It + take + person + time + infinitive
5 It + take + person + time + before/until


I hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson. Remember, learning English takes time. (This is also another way of using “take” to talk about time in English :). “Something takes time” means you need to spend some time doing it.) So don’t forget to take your time studying English (and here’s another one! “to take your time”. It means to not hurry.) Just relax and study carefully!

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