15 everyday idioms in English with example

Knowing everyday idioms in English is important because they help you understand and communicate more naturally with native speakers. Idioms are common expressions that don’t always mean exactly what the words say, like “it’s raining cats and dogs” for heavy rain. If you know these idioms, you can better understand conversations, jokes, and writings, and you can also express yourself in a way that sounds more fluent and familiar to others. This makes it easier to connect with people and fit in with different social and cultural groups.

Pay attention to this dialogue:

I’m worried about the test

Don’t worry! That’ll be a piece of cake!

(Piece of cake?!) … So what are you gonna do about it?

There’s nothing much I can do! I gotta bite the bullet

(bite.. the bullet…? What is he talking about?)

You ok?

Yeah yeah, I’m gonna go study

Ait. Break a leg!

Break a leg! Why would I break a leg??

Did you understand the dialogue completely? If not, stay with us in the rest of this article, to get familiar with everyday idioms in English.


Piece of cake

Meaning: Something very easy to do.

Example: “Don’t worry about that test; it will be a piece of cake.”


A picture that presents the piece of cake idiom


Break a leg (Of everyday idioms in English)

Meaning: A way to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance.

Example: “You have your big presentation today, right? Break a leg!”


A picture related to the break a leg idiom in English


Hit the nail on the head

Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.

Example: “You hit the nail on the head when you said the company needs a new strategy.”


Let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: To accidentally reveal a secret.

Example: “I let the cat out of the bag about their surprise party.”

an image related to the let the cat out of the bag idiom



Read more: What are the idioms about cats in English?


Cost an arm and a leg

Meaning: Very expensive.

Example: “That car costs an arm and a leg.”


Feeling under the weather

Meaning: Feeling sick.

Example: “I’m feeling under the weather, so I’ll stay home today.”


the feeling under the weather idiom in English


Bite the bullet (Of everyday idioms in English)

Meaning: To get something over with because it is inevitable.

Example: “I really don’t want to exercise today, but I guess I’ll just bite the bullet.”


An image presenting the bite the bullet idiom


The best of both worlds

Meaning: A situation wherein someone can enjoy two different opportunities.

Example: “Working part-time and being able to study is having the best of both worlds.”


Speak of the devil

Meaning: This expression is used when the person you have just been talking about arrives.

Example: “Hi John, speak of the devil, we were just talking about you!”


A picture related to the "speak of the devil" idiom


When pigs fly (Of everyday idioms in English)

Meaning: Something that will never happen.

Example: “He’ll clean his room when pigs fly.”


a picture related to the "when pigs fly" idiom



Read more: Learn about the funny idioms in English


Cut to the chase

Meaning: Get to the point without wasting time.

Example: “We don’t have much time, so please cut to the chase.”


Add fuel to the fire

Meaning: To worsen a situation or increase anger.

Example: “By arguing back, he just added fuel to the fire.”


Add fuel to the fire idiom


Go the extra mile

Meaning: To do more than what is expected of you.

Example: “She always goes the extra mile to ensure her clients are happy.”


Out of the blue (Of everyday idioms in English)

Meaning: Something happening unexpectedly.

Example: “I hadn’t seen him for years when, out of the blue, I received a letter from him.”


Once in a blue moon

Meaning: Something that happens very rarely.

Example: “I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon.”


Once in a blue moon (Of everyday idioms in English)


In this article, you learned about the everyday idioms in English. Don’t forget to practice and try to use the in your daily conversations.

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