I agree synonyms in English + video

Have you ever thought about other ways to say I agree or I disagree in

Want alternatives in English: synonyms of want

Want alternatives in English are used in different situations. There are many things in daily

Advanced idioms in English +advanced phrases

Introducing advanced idioms in English  can be an engaging and enlightening way to delve deeper

Describing places in English (complete list+video)

It sometimes happens to you to describe your hometown or a place you have visited

How to describe your house? Collocations & idioms

Do you know how to describe your house? What collocations and idioms should be used

Another word for stop (stop synonyms)+ video

Using another word for stop (stop synonyms) shows our English level. As an English language

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I think synonyms : formal and informal + video

Is it important to learn about synonyms for I think? Why should we know what


Idioms with colors in English: A complete list + video

Idioms with colors in English add a splash of fun to this language! Just like

20 common synonyms of amazing+ video

What are the most common synonyms of amazing ? How and when can we use

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15 idioms about food with example +video

What are the most common idioms about food that can help us speak like natives?