In your daily or academic conversations, you sometimes need to talk about changes happening about or around you. The common word in these conversations is “change” itself. However, to speak more precisely about changes, we need to know some other verbs and expressions (change synonyms). So, in this article, we are going to learn some idioms and verbs that help us to speak more precisely about change:
What is another word for change?
First, let’s delve into some synonyms for change to improve our English vocabulary in this section.
Adapt to/ Adjust to:
These verbs are mainly used when we want to talk about changing our situation to get used to new environments or situations (College, life, a new job) / automatically, easily, and effortlessly are some adverbs you can use with them.
- I was trying to adapt to my new office.
- It was so hard for me to adjust to college.
Alter (Of synonyms for change):
Meaning: it is mainly used to talk about changing your plans, clothes, or appearance / Completely, dramatically, and slightly are usually used with it.
Example: Let me alter my clothes, please. These are not appropriate for the meeting.
Meaning: This item of synonyms for change is mainly used for changing buildings or money!
Example: We have recently converted our house into a department store!
Modify (Of synonyms for change):
Meaning: it is mainly used for changes in your behavior, language, and design
Example: If you want to be successful in your business, you should modify your behavior in public / Slightly, substantially, and subtly are appropriate adverbs for it.
Meaning: It is mainly used for moving to another team or department or your money to another account.
Example: For my trip, I had to transfer a lot of money to my business account in the bank.
Meaning: it is used for changes in laws or a document
Example: The government had to amend some of the impractical laws.
Transform (Of synonyms for change):
Meaning: It is mainly used for dramatic changes in the appearance or character of a place, person, or thing / Completely, instantly, and radically are adverbs used with it
Example: Our living city has transformed radically recently.
Learn more
Learning about synonyms for “want” in English is super helpful because it gives you more ways to express yourself and communicate effectively. Imagine you’re describing how much you desire something, like a delicious slice of pizza. Instead of just saying “want,” you could use words like “crave,” “desire,” or “yearn for” to paint a clearer picture of your feelings. Knowing synonyms helps you express yourself in different ways, making your writing more interesting and your conversations more engaging. Plus, it’s like having a bigger toolbox for expressing your thoughts and feelings, which is always a great skill to have!
→ Read the article about synonyms for want on our website ←
Change synonyms (first scene)
It’s time to put the mentioned synonyms for change in practice:
A: How was your trip to New York?
B: It was great! But the city has transformed dramatically! A lot of residential buildings have been converted into department stores! Even Central Park has transformed slightly. A lot of new trees have been added to it.
A: How about people’s culture?
B: Yes! People’s behavior has modified substantially. Their appearance has also altered dramatically. For instance, young people tend to wear formal clothes in public! However, People have adjusted to their new lifestyle.
A: Did you have a problem with your trip?
B: Yes! I had to amend some of my work papers such as contracts! I should also transfer some money to my business accounts.
Now let’s learn some idioms for change in the next section:
What are the idioms for change in English?
In the previous section, we learned about the synonyms for change in the English language. As an English language learner, it’s important to learn the idioms related to different topics as well. You know how sometimes words can mean more than just their dictionary definition? Well, idioms like add extra meaning to what we say. Understanding these idioms helps us communicate better and understand each other more easily. For example, when someone says “a penny for your thoughts,” they’re not really asking for your money; they’re asking what you’re thinking about. So, by learning these special phrases, you’ll be able to understand people better and express yourself in really cool ways! Plus, it makes talking and reading more fun and interesting!
To break the mould:
Meaning: To change the way we do things, to destroy, to completely change things.
Example: Neil broke the mould by being the first in his family to become a doctor.
To change your tune:
Meaning: To change your opinion quite radically.
Example: The boss changed his tune when he heard my opinion in the meeting.
To reinvent the wheel:
Meaning: To invent something that already exists; usually used in the negative
Example: We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. A lot of companies have produced this product.
To stick to your guns:
Meaning: To keep with your decision on something and under no circumstances you are going to change your mind
Example: If you want to be an open-minded person, you shouldn’t stick to your guns.
A leopard cannot change its spots:
Meaning: You’re the sort of person that will never change; no matter what happens, no matter what you say, what you do, you’re always going to be the same sort of person.
Example: I think the boss is a leopard who cannot change his spots. He didn’t even lesson to my suggestions.
To turn over a new leaf:
Meaning: To begin something different, to start something new.
Example: Jack has finally decided to turn over a new leaf by changing his career.
Learn more
Learning another word for “stop” in English helps you spice up your language and express yourself in different ways. Think about it like this: when you’re writing a story or talking to your friends, using the same word over and over again can get a bit boring, right? But when you know different words that mean “stop,” like “halt,” “cease,” or “pause,” you can make your writing more interesting and your conversations more fun! So, let’s learn about stop synonyms by reading the following article:
→ another word for stop ←
Change synonyms (second scene)
Now, we are going to use these idioms in a conversation
A: Did you talk to your boss about your new project?
B: Yes. But a leopard cannot change its spots. He always sticks to his guns. I am sick and tired of this situation.
A: Why?! Can you explain more?
B: He thinks we should reinvent the wheel! A lot of companies have invented the technology we need! But he says we should do it on our own instead of collaborating with them!
A: Yes! You are right! I believe he must change his tune! But for you! I think you should break the mould and take a new approach!
B: What do you mean?
A: You should turn over a new leaf and leave this company. Maybe you’d better establish your own business!
B: You’re right! But it requires a lot of money to do that.change synonyms
In this article, we learned about the most common synonyms for change in English. Don’t forget to practice them in your daily conversations!